Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Little train meanderings

I spent all of last night
dreaming of you.
I know you're gone now
and I'm not meant to
have feelings for you,
but all the same
in my dreams,
I do.
You pushed me on a swing,
that I flew so high.
You hid me in cupboards
from the world.
You kissed my forehead
in reassurance that you
were there and you'd
brave anything for me.
I couldn't help but smile
even though I never wanted
you to see me smile.
But you're gone now and
feelings aren't allowed for a figure
that boarded a flight to far away from
my world.
Tears and dreams alike
should not be wasted on the
absent but those able to look me
in the eye.
Yet I miss you all the same.
In the same way I miss childhood holidays
and long lost pets -
the way I know that these and
you will never come back.

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